For the past weeks I have been unsure of what my topic proposal is and have been working towards a basic idea that the proposal is going to have some visual model that demonstrates a specific thing that I learned from my mentor and all my research. I had difficulty figuring what exactly the visual model was going to show and how I was going to achieve it. Last Friday, I had to officially submit a proposal and finally developed a concrete idea of what my topic proposal was going to be. I decided upon a step by step visual model that was going to show a specific type of surgery performed by general pediatric surgeons. Finally figuring out what my proposal is going to be feels like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders and makes me feel more clear of what I should actively be researching for in my research assessments.
I will be looking at various surgeries that are performed and also consult my future mentor to figure out what would be the best surgery to make a model of. In doing this, I hope to make sure my model is something that is actually feasible and is not overly complicated so that viers will be able to easily interpret what they are seeing.