Last week I had researched my first article to find a more narrowed down topic of study for my broader topic of study, pediatric surgery. I chose this article about a 30-day study that was done in Ethiopia about the outcomes children experienced after going through gastrointestinal surgery. I learned a lot through this article that helped me to be more decisive about what I want to focus my research on. I discovered the importance of questioning your research rather than just blindly evaluating it such as thinking “How is this going to affect my understanding of pediatrics?” and “What am I going to do with this information for my final project?”. I experienced a lot of challenges with finding an article that seemed interesting and made sense to me when I read it. I figured out that it was best to choose an article that was study based because they would explain any acronyms used and complex topics.
However, I need to work on finding something specific that I will be researching for my articles because I do not want to assessments on articles that I know I will not be used in my final product. I do have some idea of what I might lean towards which is general pediatric physician or pediatric general surgery. I aim to spend more time next week focusing on my determined topic of study and. I was successful, though, in completing my assessment and evaluating the importance and need for my article this week.