I have been focused on finding a mentor for the last two weeks and it goes without saying that it has been a little difficult. It is understandable however as medical doctors and people in the field are extremely busy. Also, it is unlikely that they are going to respond to me as soon as they get my email or voicemail. Nevertheless, I have not lost hope on finding a mentor just yet, especially because I only started looking last week. While I may not have made significant progress with finding a mentor, I have been making some progress when it comes to my original work.
My original work is about researching one specific surgery performed by general pediatric surgeons and using those sources to help me in the creation of my final product. This week, I used my research assessment assignment as an opportunity to learn more about appendectomy surgery, specifically Transumbilical Laparoscopically Assisted Appendectomy (TULAA), a less popular yet more cost effective technique. Learning about this one technique allowed me to expand my knowledge on not just appendectomy surgery, but also the different techniques and approaches that are taken and utilized by doctors.
I intend to spend more time towards finding a mentor and contacting more medical professionals within my field of interest.